Baby D was due on March 17. March 17 came and went and there was no sign of a baby. *sigh* I was dialated about 2.5 cm on the 15th and it looked like labor would need to be induced. I got a call on Monday, March 18, telling me my induction had been scheduled for March 20th and I'd need to come in on the 19th to fill out some paperwork. I was a little nervous about the induction, but at the same time thankful to know this baby was finally coming. I felt huge. I hurt. I kept having contractions that never lead to anything. I was walking all the time to try to get the labor started. It was just miserable.
Late Monday night, I started having some more regular contractions, but they were every 7-12 minutes and then would go away for a while. I ended up falling asleep for a bit and waking up at 3am with the most unbelievable pain ever!It was such a deep, intense pain and no matter what way I moved it still hurt. I continued timing them and at this point they were 3-5 minutes apart and time to go to the hospital!
I'll spare you those details for now, but Baby D arrived at 2:05pm on Tuesday, March 19, 2013! He was 20" long and 8lbs 5oz and perfect in every way!
So, what you've really been waiting for is pictures! For whatever reason, Blogger won't let me upload any right now, so to hold you over 'til I can, check out some cute ones I've posted on Instagram!And you can se his first ever photo shoot pictures here!
I'll try to update a bit more often so you can see how he grows!!:)

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