The decorations were fun; the food was delish; the gifts were amazing; and it was great to have so many friends celebrating with us!
The party was scheduled for 1-5, and being the guests of honor we made sure to get there a little before 1. A huge surprise was that my Nana had driven over two hours to be there!!
But then no one else was showing up. I was so nervous that no one else was coming! That was silly because people treated it more like an open house and started showing up around 2.
While waiting for the party to begin, we got to have all the fun (bird and pig) themed food that the girls had prepared! Wings! Pigs in a blanket! Deviled eggs!
The games were fun and not tacky (thankfully!) We started with a TV Moms Trivia game. Kimi would read off the names of the TV children and the first team to answer what TV show it was got a point--a bonus point if they could provide the name of the mom! It ranged from shows like the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family to the Cosby Show, Home Improvement, and even Family Guy and the Simpsons!
After that it was gift and Bingo time! Each person got a Bingo card and filled in all the squares for items they thought may show up when opening gifts! (Chris and I each got Bingo!)
The gifts were fabulous! Lots of people got stuff right off the registry so it was almost all stuff we actually wanted:)
The end of the party was just some informal socializing and cupcakes!! OMG, the cake was simply fabulous!!
And there was this amazing punch! (I'm told it was a Paula Deen recipe made of lime sherbet, ginger ale, and pineapple juice!) Sooo very yummy!!
All in all, it was a super fun day!
Ooh! And I can't forget to show you how my nails turned out! Yes, I even did Angry Birds nails!!:)
Well, my toes were baby blue with little baby feet on them;)